#90: I’ve already spoken to a number of men who have noticed an uptick – or an alarming increase – in their porn use as of late.

As we’re diving deeper into quarantine, it’s essential that you’re aware of drift when it comes to your porn habits.

During times of isolation – or feelings of suffocation – it’s natural to grab for the quick fix.

But we’re in this for the long haul, fellas.


I want you coming out the other side stronger.


Not weakened and depleted.


This is an important conversation today, about maintaining intentionality with your porn habits during quarantine.



In this episode:


Why you may be drawn to porn that makes you feel empty and shameful Why porn users report lower levels of satisfaction with their sex life, their sexual performance and their female partner’s body How to short-circuit the potential to condition yourself to craving troubling porn habits/ porn categories