#43: This is an episode that you fellas have been asking Bryan and I to record for quite some time now.

As guys, we’ve all been in the situation where we’ve gotten too excited, popped off too early much to the dismay of ourselves and our partners.

And if you’ve never experienced popping off too early, I think I speak on behalf of all men when I say:

We hate you.

For the rest of us…

This conversation is about bringing you 5 practical practices that can help you command and consciously direct your sexual energy…

…so you and your partner can play as long (or as short) as you’d like.

What This Conversation Isn’t NOT about how to become a better ego-driven sexual “performer” NOT about giving you some sort of power to hold above your partner’s head NOT about leveraging hacks/techniques that disconnect you from your partner (ie. Not “going out with a loaded gun,” dulling your senses with booze, distracting yourself with thoughts of baseball or Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day during sex, etc…)
What This Conversation Is: 3 Reasons to Practice Lasting Longer

These three reasons are in ascending order of importance:

Reason # 1: Building Confidence (about you)

Get out of your head and into your body Establish command of and direct your sexual energy Evoke your choice for when (and if ) you want to release

Reason #2: Forging Connection (about us)

Break your predictable patterns of sex and explore new terrain together Deeply attune to her arousal triggers and help her uncover new areas of pleasure she can’t access herself Become a more trustworthy lover that she feels safe to experiment with and open up to

Reason #3: Accessing Flow (about next-level experience)

Transcend superficial sex and experience heightened sensation and deep intimacy Expand your zones of pleasure (beyond your crotch) Lose track of time and self

You can download the 5 Practices Cheat Sheet at www.DoInnerWork.com/5practices