#38: Did you know the average middle aged man today has half the testosterone that the same aged man in the 1940s had?

There may be a #1 culprit for this: Estrogenics.

In addition to causing man-boobs and wilting your erections…

…this dastardly villain is also responsible for:

Fat Gains Depression Hormonal Disruption Immune Dysfunction Blood Clotting Cancer Infertility Holy Hell. WTF Are Estrogenics?

Estrogenics are external estrogen sources that - once consumed, applied to our skins, or inhaled – can throw our hormones way out of whack.

According to Dr. Anthony Jay, author of Estrogeneration: How Estrogenics are Making You Fat, Sick and Infertile, and today’s guest, we as a society are swimming in external estrogen sources.

They can be found in our foods, cleaning products, plastics and sunscreens…just to name a few.

The long-term effects of swimming in a sea of estrogenics: obesity, sickness and declining dick health.

In this Episode Dr. Jay’s top 10 list of Estrogenic Sources to Avoid The two foods every man should avoid (soy is one, but the other is 3 times as loaded with estrogenics) Why you should throw out all of your sunscreens and use 3 alternatives The troubling trend of testosterone decline at the same time as obesity incline Why you should get your testosterone checked annually Why you should not rely on America’s FDA standards and take command of your own purchasing decisions


Dr. Jay’s Book on Amazon: Estrogeneration
Dr. Jay’s YouTube Channel: Chagrin & Tonic
Dr. Jay’s DNA Consulting: DNA Consulting
Products that Dr. Jay Uses: “What I Use”
Estrogenic Avoidance Plans: Click Here
The Top 10 List of Daily Estrogenics: Click Here