
“Every man is what he is

because of the dominating thoughts

which he permits to occupy his mind.” -- Napoleon Hill


I love this quote from Napoleon Hill because it highlights 2 truths:

Your thoughts create your reality You have the authority to choose which thoughts will dominate your mind


Here are 3 important things I needed to learn in order to effectively choose my thoughts:


#1. Your mind produces thoughts the way your heart produces beats*.


In other words, they come automatically.


According to some very well-respected neuroscientists (like Dr. Joe Dispenza), you produce between 50,000-70,000 thoughts a day.


You cannot stop your thoughts from coming.


You can only decide what to do with them once they’re there, such as:

Which ones you give attention to Which ones you give further energy Which ones you subtract energy from


*Meditation teacher Emily Fletcher taught me this one.


#2. A belief is a thought you keep thinking*.


It’s as simple as this:


Think something long enough, and you’ll come to believe it.


*Abraham Hicks taught me this one.


#3. Guide, don’t control, your thoughts.


Being controlled by my thoughts made me miserable.

Trying to control my thoughts made me equally miserable.

After learning I produce 70,000 thoughts a day, I gave up my futile attempts to control.

Instead, I learned how to guide my thoughts:


The art of taking a thought and bringing it the most empowering place.


In today’s episode, I’ll teach you the art of how to guide, not control, your thoughts.




PS – If you’re continuing your anti-racist inner work as I am, I’d like to recommend this YouTube video Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man.


PPS - If you’ve ever wondered “should I say black or African American,” your question will be answered in the first 80 seconds of that video.