#41: “The Definition of Hell: On your last day on earth, the person you became meets the person you could have become.” - Unknown

If the next decade of your life is going to be the most meaningful, fulfilling, prosperous, adventurous, energizing, relationship-rich and purpose driven decade of your life…

What experiences would you have?
What skill sets would you develop?
What relationships would you need to forge?
What relationships would you need to end?

And the big question:

Are you on track to live that decade doing it the way you’re doing it right now?


“Most people overestimate what they can do in a year, and underestimate what they can do in 10 years.” – Bill Gates

These are the big questions that most people never dedicate the space or time to answer…

…and so you drift off into a future of More of the Same.

If you are committed to designing a future you Can’t Wait to Live Into, this is your episode.

And if you haven’t listened to Episode #34: How to Design Your Future Part 1 – go back and listen to that first.

In that episode, we take you into the last 10 years of your life, so you can see where you’ve been…to prime your pump for where you are going.

IN THIS EPISODE: How to envision and design a future you can’t wait to live into Why you experience the “Sunday Scaries” Why Maya Angelou was right about “You cannot know where you’re going until you know where you’ve been” The paradox of how dramatically things can change in 10 years…and also how very little can change in the most important areas of your life A guided meditation for you to envision the next decade of your life