#132: Meaningful conversations about race require lots of:

Time Energy Emotions


3 things almost everyone is short of in modern society.


That’s why it’s so important to build racial stamina:


Racial Stamina is the ability to talk openly, constructively and civilly about race.


If more Great Men developed racial stamina, it’s my belief that the anger, hatred and the polarization of our world…


…would give way to equality, connection and prosperity like we’ve never seen before.


I invite you to join me and Bryan in the gym today…


…so we can work on our racial stamina.



In this episode:

Defining white privilege Why the term white privilege is not an attack on whiteness or you personally How you can use white privilege to do significant good…if you understand it The process our men’s group went through to diversify an all white men’s group.


Anti-Racism Resources for White People