#120: Hello my brother.

If you’re like me, your biggest fear is living out the definition of hell:

At the end of your life, the man that you became, meets the man you could have become.

The one thing standing in the way of you living out your fullest potential: fear.

Today’s guest – Ben Aldridge – shares his story of how crippling anxiety and acute panic attacks threatened to derail his life.

Until he decided to design the Year of Adversity – befriending and facing his fears through the tackling of 43 challenges that he designed himself that shattered his self-imposed limitations and blew the ceiling off of what he previously thought his potential to be.

Here’s here to help you do the same.

Ben went from living a safe, small, uninspiring life…

…to becoming Jason Bourne.

Who is Ben Aldridge

During Ben’s Year of Adversity he learned how to pick locks, solve a Rubik’s cube in under a minute, memorize a deck of cards after seeing it only once He’s taken ice baths and swam in the British sea during winter, he’s eaten repulsive insects and learned how to have a conversation in Japanese…all in one year. Ben is now the author of How to Be Comfortable Being Uncomfortable: 43 Weird and Wonderful Ways to Build a Strong and Resilient Mindset Ben is a full time guitar teacher and executed these 43 challenges in his spare time Hell, during quarantine Ben has already climbed the equivalent of Mount Everest in his apartment staircase (which took 2,000 trips up and down) and run a backyard marathon in his 26 foot long garden, which took over 4,000 shuttles

In this Episode

How to listen to your fear and anxiety, and allow it to direct you to deepen your strength and courage…not to cling to safety How the philosophies of Stoicism, Buddhism, Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Fixed/Growth Mindsets were essential to him having the tools necessary to execute these 43 challenges How Ben brainstormed and ultimately chose these 43 challenges How to brainstorm and design your own challenges Why your “anti-bucket list” is a great place to start


Book: How to be Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable
Instagram: @DoThingsThatChallengeYou
Ben’s Workshop: MindBodySpirit Well Being Festival
Website: https://www.benaldridge.com/


The 43 Challenges

Embrace the cold Learn a language Complete a long-distance walk Memorize a deck of cards Acupuncture Run a race Solve a Rubik’s cube Climb a mountain Become an early riser Wales’ longest train station Sleep in a bivvy bag No painkillers Pick a lock Eat something unfamiliar Complete an obstacle course Meditate Fold an origami crane Public speaking Read a technical book Make exercise harder Fight a fear Whistle with your fingers Fasting alk to a stranger Beep test  Driving skills  Summon adrenaline  Queue unnecessarily  Learn a difficult yoga pose  Cook a new dish  Complete a triathlon  Get naked  Try a new sport  Juggle three balls  Induce vertigo  Upgrade your diet  Skip like Rocky  Digital fasting  Learn a magic trick  HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) Sleep on the floor  Have an outrageous clothes day  Via ferrata