#4: The Making of a Sex Addict.

This is Dominick's first ever public disclosure of the life events that led him - a high-achieving senior executive at a Fortune 100 financial services firm with a corner office in NYC and $1.4 billion sales goal - to a humbling (and life changing) 4 year journey in Sex Addicts Anonymous.

In part one of this two-part series, Dominick goes into detail of the origins of his sexual beginnings:

• Dominick stumbles across pornography at age 8 and masturbation at age 13
• How those seemingly innocent events kickstart a lifetime of secretive behaviors, culminating in a broken relationship and a humiliating trip to his first 12-step meeting
• Dominick unpacks what he learned from his Faith, Family and Friends that taught him his sexual urges were "wrong" and why he needed to hide them

Bryan wonders where he and other men may be on the "sex addict spectrum."

Wondering if you're an addict (or on the spectrum?): Listen to these episodes.

For Non-Sex Addicts: This discussion will illuminate behaviors and patterns that are unwittingly sabotaging your sex life.