
Join the Facebook Group for Men: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheGreatManWithin

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I’m going to ask you an important question that I urge you to consider deeply:


When it comes to the male relationships in your life, do you have buddies…or brothers?


In today’s episode, I’ll ask you to consider 5 questions that will help you distinguish between the two:


Do you feel the freedom to 100% around these men, or do you have to mold parts of yourself to fit within the group’s expectations? Can you bring the deepest and darkest parts of you to these men? When you bring these men a problem, do they listen and allow you to feel seen and heard…or do they fire advice at you? Do these men know the most meaningful things going on in your inner world at any given point in time…or are they oblivious? Do these men call you forward into your Great Man?