
I’m debunking a laundry list of myths about men’s sex lives in today’s episode of The Great Man Within Podcast.


I posed the question, “what myths about men would you like to debunk” in the sex-positive Facebook group called: “That Sex Group.”


There were dozens of insightful responses.


Here are a few of my favorites:


“Men always want sex…are always ready to go…and don’t require foreplay.”


“Men only want the skinny Victoria’s Secret type bodies.”


“All men want the type of sex they see in porn.”


“All men watch porn.”


“Men won’t date a woman who initiates sex/has sex on the first date.”


“A soft penis means the end of sexy time.”


“Older men have ED, weaker erections and can’t stay hard for very long.”


“You’ve ruined the moment if you’ve gone soft/ejaculated too early.”


I’ll break down why each of these myths may hold water in some cases, but certainly not all, and especially not among men in The Great Man Within community.


This episode is meant for two listeners:


Men: I suspect you’ll find answers, understanding and even a sense of self-vindication by listening.


Partners of Men: Perhaps you hold a few prejudices and misconceptions of your own…and this episode can open you up to seeing your man differently (in the best of ways).


Happy listening,