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Here we are, at the end of our 13-week journey in the building your best self-series…and also our last episode of 2021.

So this moment calls for something special, something to ignite your fire, something that speaks to your soul…calling for you to rise up…as a man…an ascend into your highest self.

So I bring to you, a special man, one of our brothers in the Great Man Within Community who has a particular gift for alchemizing words into medicine with his poetry.

In fact, he’s written a poem especially for you, listeners of this podcast, as a wake up call and invitation for you to step into something bigger.

That man’s name, is Robert Joseph.

Robert is a leader of men. He coaches men and he runs a men’s group called Raised by Men.

Robert is one of the original members of The Great Man Mastermind 1.0 and is a beloved brother who’s gift of poetry was something he’d kept hidden from the world for 4 decades…

…until he found the courage in our mastermind to share his gift for the first time in a public way.

And in so doing, he blew all of us away. And now, he’s no longer hiding that gift…he’s sharing it with the world.

Today he’ll be sharing 3 poems, which are sourced directly from his heart, speaking directly to your soul. Spoiler alert: expect some goosebumps and chills.

Bryan had a scheduling conflict with this recording, so stepping in once again, is fan favorite Keith Bracci…another one of the leaders in our Great Man Mastermind Community who’s making his 4th or 5th appearance on this show.

Prepare to be inspired, in this episode: A Call for Men to Rise feat. Robert Joseph

Robert Joseph’s Contact Info:

Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @RJCoachingNYC