
Register for the #100Great Pushup Challenge: https://100great.raisely.com

The Goal: 100 pushups in a row
The Why: Train your body and mind to go beyond perceived limits
The What: Learn mindset, breathwork and other training secrets to optimize performance
The Commitment: 20 minutes of training a day for 60 days
The Who: 500 men* training to bring out their best selves

*This challenge centers men, but all are welcome to participate!


Would you like more energy?
What type of energy would you want?
If you had more energy, what would you use it for?

These are big questions you need to be able to answer if you are going to be your Best Self in 2022.

To answer these questions, you need to understand:

The 4 Dimensions of Energy

Physical: Quantity of Energy Emotional: Quality of Energy Mental: Focus of Energy Spiritual: Force of Energy