#52: Whether you know it or not, you were raised to live in a “Man Box.”

“The Man Box” is a term developed in the 1980’s by a group of men called the Oakland Men’s Project in order to define the series of qualities men are instructed to embody in order to “be a man”:

Do not cry or openly express emotions Do not express weakness or fear Demonstrate power and control Do not be like a woman Do not be like a gay man (be heterosexual) Make decisions on your own (do not ask for help) Be a protector Be aggressive and dominant View women as property/objects The 5 “Man Box” Rules of Masculinity

The contents of the Man Box can be broken down into 5 categories:

Success: You must win, beat others, be right, don’t ask for help. Emotions: Emotions are a liability.
Belonging: Unless you are extraordinary, you must “fit in” to be accepted. Sexuality: You must be heterosexual, sexually accomplished, and never experience performance issues. Women: You must protect, be in control of and dominant over women.

So long as you follow these rules, you will experience a sense of belonging and be looked to as “a man.”

These archaic rules are not only toxic to society, they’ve trapped you into a way of living that isn’t your own…

…instead, you’ve drifted into this cage unwittingly.

You need to break these 5 rules of “Man Box Masculinity” and re-define your own rules.

The Impact of Living in The Man Box

Here are a few ways of knowing you’ve been socialized into The Man Box:

You’re feeling uninspired by the life you’ve created You regularly find yourself emotionally exhausted having to act/behave a certain way You feel restless and trapped by your life You find yourself unable to confide fully in others You have secretive parts of your life that you’d be afraid for other to know or see You are unable to communicate 100% of your desires to your romantic partner, friends or business colleagues
In this episode: Defining “The Man Box” and its “rules of masculinity” Exposing where you’ve defaulted into The Man Box
How to break the 5 rules of Man Box masculinity 3 questions to ask yourself about each of these 5 rules A free PDF download to help you re-define your own rules: https://www.doinnerwork.com/5practices