
Join the Facebook Group for Men: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheGreatManWithin

Whenever a man requests to join the Great Man Within Facebook Group, he’s required to answer an intake question that asks him about the most important area of inner work he’s focused on right now.

For months, I’ve been seeing an uptick of men joining this community who are navigating weight loss, body image and body shame issues.

These have also been more recurring topics of conversation in our respective masterminds, so it was high time to have a conversation about this on the podcast.

This Is Your Episode If You’ve Ever

Felt uncomfortable taking your shirt off in front of others Gone through countless cycles of gaining and losing weight Hitting your ideal weight and knowing its only a matter of time before you self sabotage Thrown food away, only to pick it out of the trash later and eat it And on some level, feeling unlovable

Our Guide for Today’s Discussion: Mordechai Weiner

Coach for people learning to love their bodies and lose weight sustainably Founder of the Reclaim Your Body Summit: interviewed 30 world-renowned guests such as James Clear, Gay Hendricks and Dr. Mark Heyman Host of the Feeling Full Podcast, which focuses on weight loss, body image and self love

Mordechai is also a close personal friend of Bryan and I, as he’s in our men’s group.

In this Episode

How Mordy went from 350 pounds at his heaviest to 215 today, sustainably How a lifetime of losing and gaining weight finally shifted when he stopped focusing on weight loss, and instead focused on “shame loss” Why Mordy says losing weight is fragile and unsustainable if you still identify as the “fat guy” How “Shirtless Therapy” was crucial in reducing shame and tapping self love Why visualizing your future body is a powerful practice for re-inventing your self-concept Why Mordy pulled the plug on body surgery in 2015 – which felt like it was driven by secrecy and shame – to publicly documenting his surgery in 2020 as a radical act of self love The surprising similarities of food addiction and sex addiction

Stick around to the very end for a bonus 5 minutes:

A strategy to implement when you’re feeling the overwhelming urge to indulge or binge.



The Feeling Full Podcast

Mordechai on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mr.mordechai