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We train men how to split atoms, how to build rocket ships, how to snipe targets from 5,000 feet away…but we don’t train men how to become men.

We demand men to be more sensitive, vulnerable and emotionally available…and then leave them on their own to unlearn a lifetime of conditioning.

We teach men how to compete, how to dominate and how to litigate…but we don’t teach men how to access their hearts while standing in their strength.

Many of these voids in modern masculinity can find solutions in ancient, time-and-battle-tested tools, traditions and rituals that have already been laid out for us…

…if we’re willing to surrender to their teachings.

One man who has dedicated a meaningful part of his life to becoming a student of these teachings, is our guest on today’s show: Kevin Orosz.

Who is Kevin Orosz?

Kevin is a high-performance coach specializing in helping men embark on their hero’s journey to masculine mastery

You can find Kevin playing dangerously at the intersection of Eastern wisdom, modern psychology, philosophy, mysticism and neuroscience. He helps men and women develop practices that connect them deeper to their purpose and creativity. He coaches in programs designed to locate your blocks, reveal the doorway, and access the keys to unlocking your magical potential through simple & profound shifts.

He is the host of The Revolution Podcast, a show focused on masculinity, evolutionary psychology & mysticism, sex and language


In This Episode

Why you don’t need to hit some dramatic bottom in your life to create change – as long as you listen to the part of you that’s screaming for you to hear that “there has to be something better than this” The world is in dire need of masculine warriors that not only have well-trained bodies and minds…but well-trained hearts We break down the lie of glorifying the lone wolf – the lone wolf starves Why many men live the pattern of boom-and-bust…oscillating from full throttle to full disengagement…from 110% to burnout…and how to break that exhaustive cycle


Connect with Kevin

Website: https://kevinorosz.com

Podcast: The Revolution Podcast

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kev_oroszlan/?hl=en

Masterclass: https://masterclass.kevinorosz.com