
Every so often, it’s powerful to do a real-time spot check on how you’re feeling about the quality and future prospects of your life.


Here are 8 statements to help you assess how you’re feeling, present day.


As you read these, notice how true each statement feels for you.

Give it a rating of 1 to 10 (1 being completely false, and 10 being perfectly true)


I know that I will live a long and healthy life, looking and feeling my best.


I know that in the long run, I will always be financially abundant.


I know that my sex and love life will be passionate, vibrant and fulfilling.


I know that I will find and live my calling.


I know deep in my heart that I am loved, and worthy of love.


I have people in my life who will still love me, even if they knew my deepest darkest secrets.


I know that I will live a life of joy, meaning and fulfillment.


At the end of my lifetime, I know for a fact that I will have lived my fullest potential.


Which of these statements felt deeply true for you?


Which statements kicked up the most resistance?


Many of the men in The Great Man Within Facebook Group choose to work on the statements they felt most resistance to. Join us!