
Some of my favorite interviews we do on this show are with women who give us the inside baseball on their private processes for sifting out the Great Men from the rest of the pack.

This episode is one of those interviews, with a woman who has a discerning eye for identifying men who have that “it factor” when it comes to leading in life.

This woman is someone you’ve heard me mention dozens of times on this show before, but this is her very first appearance to unpack 5 things she looks for to identify a Great Man…

…my dear friend Grace Gold.

Here are 5 ways that women like Grace identify a man who leads:

1. He is a master of his domain

In other words, a man who lives his life On Purpose.

“A man who hates his job and drags himself to it every day…is not a leading man.”
– Grace Gold

2. He does not settle in any area of his life

Settling is not compartmentalized. A man who settles in one area of his life is undoubtedly settling in other areas is well. Settling does not beget leadership.

3. He builds trusted relationships wherever he goes

A man who leads is recognized as a leader not only in business, but in his local coffee shop, his favorite restaurant, his gym. He cultivates relationships in the places that are special to him.

4. He is committed to continuous self-improvement

A man who leads has a voracious appetite for learning. He reads. He has the humility required to bring a beginner’s mind to new scenarios. He never stagnates, he is on a path of lifelong growth.

5. He genuinely respects women…and his actions show it

A leader doesn’t just say he respects women, his actions show it. He reads books written by and for women. He has platonic female friends. He exposes misogyny and stands against it. He calls other men forward to a higher standard.

These are just the cliff notes from today’s powerful episode.


PS - If you want to hear a first-hand account from Grace of what it was like to date the 24-year old “total bro” version of me…you’ll enjoy today’s episode. ;-)

PPS – If you want to level up your personal leadership, I wrote a book on that:

On Purpose Leadership: Master the Art of Leading Yourself to Inspire and Impact Others
On Amazon: https://amzn.to/2GKawdY