#156: Great leaders adapt first.

Unfortunately, too many leaders are trying to fit the square peg of their “non-pandemic era” leadership into the round hole of the present moment.

And it isn’t working.

That’s why I’m seeing leaders burning out, frustrated or at the very least…not fully engaged in their work or life.

When this happens, the businesses, communities and families you lead suffer.

To get you back on track, I propose 3 new leadership rules for the pandemic era:

Master the Art of Leading Yourself First, Before Leading Others
- The most responsible thing you can do right now, is to focus on showing up the 100% best version of yourself
- Instead of using your energy to get others to change – nearly always an exercise in futility – use your energy to upgrade where you’ve been drifting                                                                                    When the Future is Uncertain, Build Trust in the Now
- Instead of giving all of your energy to fretting over the unknown of the future, focus your attention on winning each day, each moment, in the present
- Your routines and rituals – like morning routines, evening routines, working out, mindfulness practices – are essential to connecting with your inner stability
- When you can build trust in the power of now, the people you lead will feel it and follow suit                                                                                    Stop Waiting and Start Leading
- Too many people are stuck in a holding pattern waiting for someone to tell them what to do
- Great leaders adapt first.
- It’s time for you to lead, make decisive actions and build a better normal so we can all get back on our feet faster

In this episode, we drill down into each of these categories, and I’ll be sharing examples from my clients lives…as well as my own life in running my own business, this podcast and The Great Man Mastermind.

Oh and today we have a very special guest joining Bryan and I for her very first appearance on this podcast – or any podcast for that matter – my chief operating officer Kalli Simon.

Kalli started as a full time employee with me back in February of this year, and she’ll share with you how we’re applying these 3 rules to the operation of our business today, tomorrow and the many years into the future.


Download the 1st Chapter of my new book On Purpose Leadership for FREE at www.DoInnerWork.com/resources