#150: Here are three misconceptions men have about Purpose:

Purpose resides in the future.

My present life/work are the enemy/obstacle to purpose.

Purpose only comes via the fulfillment of a massive achievement.

Believing in these fallacies pushes you further away from feeling a sense of purpose.

The simple truth:

Purpose is only lived in the present, not the future.

That truth dispels misconceptions #1 and #3.

Learning how to find and bring Purpose to your present day work and life is where your life shifts from mundane to magnetic.

In today’s episode, Bryan and I break down some of the key concepts about living Purpose that I write about in my hot-off-the-presses book: On Purpose Leadership.

If you want to be an exceptional leader of others…

…you yourself need to know how to lead from Purpose.


PS – Buy my book On Purpose Leadership, email me the receipt, and I’ll send you a host of bonuses (worksheet exercises, guided meditations and other surprises to implement the teachings of the book).