Amber Trueblood, MBA, is a licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT), best-selling author, speaker, podcaster and mother of four sons. She has over 25 years of experience in mental health, and co-founded The M.E.C.A. Project to help teens and young adults thrive Mentally and Emotionally through Conscious Awareness.

Amber has been featured in People, Oprah Magazine, CNN, Motherhood Maternity, KTLA5, and many more. 

She believes that when we communicate better, meditate, and use true self-care, our lives go from flustered to flourishing and she is on a mission to help moms build an emotional toolbox to regain control of their life when the stressors of daily life take over.

In this episode Amber and I discuss:

Our Addiction to Overwhelm - How the distractions and expectations of modern motherhood has led to an "addiction" to this overwhelmed physiological state and what to do about it - specifically and realistically. Tips and strategies to reduce overwhelm and how she thrives in the chaos as a mom of four boys.  The Five Anxiety Styles - What they are and How understanding your anxiety style can reduce triggers, lower anxiety levels, and help you argue less with your partner and children. My anxiety style is The Lover.  Key takeaways from her book and why she felt compelled to write it.  Why it's important to add joy to our day and to celebrate our wins!

Connect with Amber on Instagram, and take the Flourish Quiz to learn your anxiety style and purchase The Unflustered Mom book.

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YouTube: The Motherhood Village - YouTube



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