Yana Gil de Montes is an international marriage coach on a mission to create a new paradigm for marriages all over the world. Her unique approach combines over 15 years of training with her experiences from her own marriage.

After getting married and becoming a mom, Yana found herself falling into the unhealthy marital patterns she learned from her parents and realized that if she wanted to be happy and fulfilled in her relationship, she had to learn new ways of being married and living life.

What she discovered after almost 16 years of training and development, thousands of hours of coursework, seminars and a spiritual awakening was a brand new paradigm for relationships and marriage and in collaboration with her husband Rick, they wrote and developed a life-changing marriage program that has saved and rebuilt marriage after marriage.

Her mission is to support women in rediscovering connection and fulfillment in their marriage by healing the past, creating a strong vision and practicing loving and heart-centered communication where they honor themselves and their partner.

In this episode we discuss:

Creating a conscious marriage. Using conflict to grow and heal. What to do when your partner isn't on board with resolving issues within your marriage. The biggest difference between a successful marriage vs. an unsuccessful marriage. The key to having great communication in a marriage. How to create more intimacy and connection with your partner even during busy seasons of life.

Learn more about How to Transform Your Marriage here , follow Yana on Instagram and download the free booklet of  Communication Strategies that Work