Heather Yurovsky, owner of Shatter & Shine, is your resume expert, job offer catalyst, and career confidante! She helps driven job seekers show their value and shine to get hired faster and with less stress. Her unusual career path from practicing law to growing multiple successful startups to consulting with Fortune 500 companies, has armed her with experience across a variety of industries, including communications, hospitality, wine and spirits, finance, tech, and social impact, and touching all functions.

As a career coach and former COO, she leverages her understanding of what employers are looking for and her expansive marketing, sales, and operations experience to help clients showcase their value and shine to get the job faster and with less stress. She enjoys empowering her clients to shatter perceptions and position themselves for that next step. Through her proven method to help clients articulate their strengths and value, create standout resumes, and apply for that next-level job with confidence, her clients have secured roles at coveted organizations like Nike, Twilio, Ogilvy, Mastercard, and Microsoft.

When she’s not writing resumes, optimizing LinkedIn profiles, and preparing clients for interviews, you can usually find her listening to a podcast or at a park in South Florida with her daughter, dog, and husband.

On this episode we discuss her shift from Lawyer to Career Coach, our struggles with postpartum anxiety, the identity shift of career moms, job searching tips, the great resignation, the services she provides and so much more! 

You can learn more about Shatter & Shine on their website, and you can connect with Heather on LinkedIn , Facebook , and Instagram