Ilana Shapiro Yahdav, MPA, and Kim English Hanlon, MA, are Grief Advocates and Advanced Certified Grief Recovery Specialists, fueled by their own personal loss experiences. They co-founded Yahdav & Hanlon Grief Support out of a shared passion for offering individual grief support and enhancing corporate wellness programs to support employees around loss and life changes. Their tools and programs help increase productivity, emotional resilience, retention, and engagement both in the workplace and in one’s personal life.

Ilana and Kim take what can be a very difficult topic and through gentleness, humor, and vulnerability, make it accessible for all. They have worked with corporations, higher education institutions, law firms, and individuals; and have recently consulted on a film about suicide loss to bring insight, tools, and support to process the difficult themes throughout the film. With the belief that it is important to meet grievers exactly where they are, Ilana and Kim continue to create new ways to engage and support them, from workbooks to online courses and workshops.

They are the authors of the digital workbook: Grief & Gratitude: Building Your Coping Action Plan Workbook , with the goal of having it in print by the end of 2022.

In this 2nd episode of Grief Support, Ilana, Kim and I discuss:.

Grieving our past identity, after becoming a mom, and accepting our new identity.  How to navigate the changed relationship with spouse/partner - discussed tips to reconnect - accepting new roles and responsibilities of the relationship. How to deal with changing friendships - losing old friends and gaining new friends. The juxtaposition of motherhood: loving a tiny human so much but also feeling overwhelmed and disliking your new "normal." How organizations can support their employees that are grieving and experiencing loss. 

Connect with Ilana and Kim on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram

Resources mentioned in this article:

The Peanut App - A safe space for women to meet and find support

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