Helen has spent more than three decades working with babies and toddlers and currently lives on the beautiful North West coast of Tasmania, in Australia. She qualified in Scotland as a nursery nurse/childcare educator and has worked in centres in the UK and numerous states of Australia. Helen has always been a huge fan of holistic remedies and how they can help all ages and has spent time over the years training in areas including kinesiology and brain gym. In 2010, Helen heard about baby/infant massage for the first time and decided to train to become an instructor after seeing how it helps build a magical bond between baby and parent whilst helping babies with conditions such as colic and constipation.

Helen enjoys teaching mums via her online Zoom workshops. She commenced her First Time Mum's Chat podcast in early 2021 and enjoys providing mums with tips to help them in their new parenting journey. She regularly interviews mums who share their journeys and challenges as well as experts in related areas that can help. In her spare time, Helen enjoys reading and the great outdoors via cycling and walking. She also enjoys getting away from technology and exploring the many delights of Tasmania.

Connect with Helen at https://www.mybabymassage.net/ 

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Out On A Limb by Shirley Maclaine


In this episode, Helen and I discuss:

Why touch is so important with babies. The benefits of baby massage: helps with colic, constipation, gas and increases connection between the baby and parents.  How baby massage helps develop a baby's senses and increases their language and social skills. How baby massage can help a baby relax and improve their sleep. What she has learned over the 30+ years in childhood education. Her advice to new mums. 

Connect with me: 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.motherhood.village1/ 

YouTube: The Motherhood Village - YouTube

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolegcumberbatch/  Website: https://www.themotherhoodvillage.com/

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