Next Episode: Breastmoms

Natacha Parmantier is a French multi-income stream entrepreneur, self-taught crypto trader, single mom, vegan food lover and world traveler. With over a decade of experience as an online entrepreneur, working from her laptop, she has lived in 7 different countries and has traveled to over 50 countries, both alone, and with her 3-year-old daughter.

Natacha is currently based in Spain, where she owns a property in the countryside of Valencia, running several of her businesses and world schooling her daughter. She now specializes in helping mompreneurs who want to simplify their life, and business to avoid burnout; so that they can free up time and be the example they want to be for their kids - while scaling to the monthly figures they have been struggling to reach.

On this episode we discuss how she created her free living lifestyle, her vegan journey, the importance of prioritizing and delegating to avoid mental exhaustion, how to take control of your own journey, and to work smarter not harder. 

You can find Natacha on IG @easybusyveganmom and online at