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In this episode, I sit down with Coach Franny Katz. Coach Franny is a parent, professional educator, and founder of Mindful-Ish® Parenting, guiding schools and families in Mindfulness-Based Social-Emotional Learning (MBSEL) and responsive behavior management.

Franny is a thought leader in human potential, and her niche is to see the best in others, especially children who present with challenging or concerning behaviors. 

In this conversation, she opens up about her remarkable transformation into a family and parenting coach, shedding light on the philosophy of Mindfulish parenting. Her journey involves deep introspection, leading to a conscious and intentional approach to parenting that she generously shares with our audience.

Listen in as she demystifies the concept of conscious discipline and discusses practical methods for its implementation. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing when to seek help and provides valuable insights into what it means to be dysregulated.

Our conversation also addresses common misconceptions surrounding non-punitive discipline and offers tips for effective conflict resolution with our children. Coach Franny Katz's wisdom extends to parents raising children who may require additional support, making this episode a must-listen for anyone navigating raising children with a learning, attention, or behavioral difference and children with challenging and concerning behaviors. 

We talk about:

[0:00] Intro

[1:10] Her favorite book to recommend

[2:25] Who and what has been a part of her village

[4:15] The inspiration of becoming a family and parenting coach, and what Mindfulish parenting is

[9:50] The unpacking she had to do before being able to parent in a conscious way

[13:25] Taking conscious discipline and implementing it into her methods

[24:10] Knowing when you need to stop and ask for help

[25:50] What it looks like to be dysregulated

[33:25] Misconceptions of non-punitive discipline

[35:55] Learning the proper tools to handle conflict resolution

[39:20] Advice for parents raising a child that needs extra support

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline by Dr. Becky Bailey: https://www.amazon.ca/Difficult-Discipline-Becky-Bailey-2002-03-04

Connect with Coach Franny





Connect with Nicole 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the.motherhood.village1/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The.Motherhood.Village1

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolegcumberbatch/
