Several of our experts from our Provider Directory have come together in this first Roundtable discussion of 2024 to talk about the topic of Strategies for Healthy Conflict Resolution. This is part two of our conversation. Part one (Ep. 97) discussed Toxic Individuals and Setting Boundaries. In this episode we discuss specific methods of handling conflict resolution, exploring parts work and how it can help in navigating family conflict, setting boundaries around negative comments about food around children and more!

This HER Health Collective Roundtable features the following HER Provider Directory Experts:

Melanie Yukov - Herbalist and a Health Coach focusing highly on digestive health

Erin Baute - Behavior and Business Strategist for female small entrepreneurs, small business owners

Sarah Szymanowski - Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor

Natasha Harvey - Massage Therapist

To connect with any of our experts, please go to our website directory. For more information about setting boundaries, please listen to episodes 87 & 88.

Today’s episode includes a discussion of the following topics:

Handling toxic family members and conflict resolution.

Conflict resolution and parts work in mental health.

Conflict resolution strategies for Enneagram types.

Setting boundaries with toxic family members during meals.

Episode Resources:

Melanie Yukov: 

Erin Baute:

Natasha Harvey:

Sarah Szymanowski:

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