Recently there has been a lot of greenwashing going on about biodegradable and PLA products. Some companies love to tell us how wonderful their products are and that they are completely compostable or degradable in some cases they are and in most cases, they have some fine print, stating in an industrial compost facility. A few months back I did a post about a video that I have seen and today I am so excited to have the star of the video the award-winning science communicator, video producer podcaster and curiosity explorer, Trace Dominguez on the podcast.


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Key Take Away“We are a big part of a tiny planet”

Recently there has been a lot of greenwashing going on about biodegradable and PLA products. Some companies love to tell us how wonderful their products are and that they are completely compostable or degradable in some cases they are and in most cases, they have some fine print, stating in an industrial compost facility. A few months back I did a post about a video that I have seen and today I am so excited to have the star of the video the award-winning science communicator, video producer podcaster and curiosity explorer, Trace Dominguez on the podcast.


Where can people find Trace?






Key Take Away

“We are a big part of a tiny planet”

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