Summary In part 2 of our conversation about social justice, we tackle the topics of Prejudice and Discrimination and the issues we see with some of the modern definitions and applications of these ideas. We seek to provide a biblical framework for how to engage in these topics with your kids and others. Main Points […]

The post 86. When Social Justice Comes to Your Kid’s School: Prejudice and Discrimination appeared first on Mama Bear Apologetics.


In part 2 of our conversation about social justice, we tackle the topics of Prejudice and Discrimination and the issues we see with some of the modern definitions and applications of these ideas. We seek to provide a biblical framework for how to engage in these topics with your kids and others.

Main Points Covered

How do you interact with conversations around prejudice and stereotypes from a biblical standpoint?
Start these conversations with your kids by reading scripture together. Scripture gives us a guiding line.
How do stereotypes and schemas play into prejudice and discrimination?
Is discrimination bad in all circumstances? Is there a good version of prejudice or discrimination?

People and resources mentioned

Galatians 3:28 | James 2:1-26
Article on Schemas:
Article about Gen Z looking for a Revolution
Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality
Study Hillary Mentioned:
Website Amy Mentioned:

Unfamiliar Vocabulary

Stereotypes: A description of a small and certain type of person that is applied to a larger group of people. Describes some but not all.
Schemas: Affect what we pay attention to. Help us simplify the world. Help us think quickly. Affect what we expect.
Bias: A preferring of one thing over another that can be harmful or closed-minded. *

*A true understanding of bias has to be based on truth.
Arbitrary: Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system
Prejudice: A judgment or opinion formed before the facts are known. The assumption here is that if you’re presented with other facts, your behavior will change.
Discrimination: The traditional definition is simply making or perceiving differences or distinctions.
Trope: A figurative or metaphorical use of a word or expression.
Misogynistic: Deeply predrtrjudice against women.

Quotable Quotes

“How do we interact with this from a critical worldview standpoint? And understand how does scripture actually speak into this rightly. Because if we have the wrong definitions to the words, then we are going to potentially agree with an ideology that is neither biblical nor true nor logically sound.” – Amy Davison

“When we look at another human being, we recognize that they are made in the image of God and worthy of the Gospel regardless of what’s going on in their life. And we have an obligation to reach them for Christ.” – Amy Davison

“As humans – as thinking, rational beings, we do not treat everything like a probability. We treat people as individuals.” – Hillary Morgan Ferrer

“In order to be committed to truth, we have to be committed to truth no matter where it is found” – Hillary Morgan Ferrer


We are all in this together, so sometimes our posts are a bit of all of us.

The post 86. When Social Justice Comes to Your Kid’s School: Prejudice and Discrimination appeared first on Mama Bear Apologetics.