Summary In this first episode of a series of episodes, we discuss what to do when the topic of Social Justice is introduced into your child’s school curriculum. How do you have that conversation with your child? How do you have that conversation with their school? What is a biblical view of Justice, truth and […]

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In this first episode of a series of episodes, we discuss what to do when the topic of Social Justice is introduced into your child’s school curriculum. How do you have that conversation with your child? How do you have that conversation with their school? What is a biblical view of Justice, truth and bias?

Main Points Covered

Remain calm when speaking with your child. Seek to understand what they learned.
What do you do when Social justice comes to your child’s school?

Engage well. Be Curious, Gracious and Charitable.
Who to speak to:

The teacher themselves – One on one is better than addressing before a group

ISD curriculum director 

Teachers are often given flexibility in what/how they present based on the ISD approved curriculum.
Social Justice might never have been in the original curriculum so the curriculum director may not even be aware of it. So be nice!

School board if needed

Come with facts: History, quotes, statistics, background of authors, etc.
Maintain a controlled disposition: Once you get angry you tend to lose the battle even if what you’re saying is right.

What is the concept of Social Justice?

Achieving justice for all in terms of personal liberties, opportunities, and distribution of wealth across society. It is an adherence to outcomes over righteousness.


How does basing your definition of  bias in truth change the meaning of bias?

People and Resources Mentioned

No Flinch Rule: Katy Faust
Greg Koukl: What do you mean by that?
Mama Bear Books
Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality
Monique’s Episode

Unfamiliar Vocabulary

Justice: the quality of being righteous and aligned with truth.

Justice and Righteous are the same word in Greek.

Imago Dei: Bearing the image of God. A term uniquely applied to humans.
Apologetics (Apologia): to make a defense for.
Worldview: The perspective that one takes as granted and truth from their perspective.
Biblical Worldview: A worldview in which everything is interpreted through the lens of what the Bible says. A biblical worldview address several questions.

What is reality?
What are human beings?
What is truth/morality?
What is sin?
What is the purpose of human history?
What happens after we die?

Bias: A preferring of one thing over another that can be harmful or closed-minded. *

*A true understanding of bias has to be based on truth. 

Social Justice: Achieving justice for all in terms of personal liberties, opportunities, and distribution of wealth across society.
Intersectionality: The acknowledgement/belief that everyone has their own unique experiences of discrimination and oppression across race, gender or class.

Quotable Quotes

“Part of making objective discernment is making sure that you are seeing things accurately.” – Hillary Morgan Ferrer

“One of the ways that Satan has been so clever in this moment that our culture is in right now is by dividing people and stripping them of their humanity and reducing them to a label.” – Amy Davison

“We have to look at everything through the lens of truth. Is this pointing back to truth or is this something that can change depending on the situation? That will be a very big difference between a biblical worldview and a social justice worldview” – Hillary Morgan Ferrer



We are all in this together, so sometimes our posts are a bit of all of us.

The post 85. When Social Justice Comes to Your Kids’ School appeared first on Mama Bear Apologetics.