I have some juicy information for you today! It came to me on one of my client calls and I have to share it with you. You are likely suffering from the same problem my client is, so let me quickly paint a picture of some of the symptoms.

Symptom one: You may be spending time writing a blog, you’re doing the actions, but the words that you’re writing down aren’t making sense. You don’t know what you’re really writing about, who you’re writing for, or even why the heck you’re doing it at all!

Symptom two: You are spending too much time online. Maybe you’re hosting your own Facebook group, perhaps you actively participate in other people’s Facebook groups, but you don’t quite know what you’re really doing when you’re on these groups. You feel a little schizophrenic because one day you’re writing about one thing and then the next day it’s a completely different topic in that same group. It eventually all collides and you find yourself writing a bunch of nonsense.

Symptom three: You’re spending time locally in your community, but every time you show up it feels very inauthentic. You aren’t really sure who to talk to in your community, or even why you want to talk to them. Again, it’s feeling like a bunch of nonsense.

Okay, does any one of these three symptoms sound familiar to you? Well, if it does, then today’s Maven Mini is for you. So, typically when I’m working with a client and I’m hearing these common symptoms, the number one question I ask them is this, “What is it, exactly, that you want and why do you want it?”

If you feel like you’re going a little crazy, that’s because you simply don’t know what you want!  Get clear, so you can stop feeling like you’re writing about nothing.