I had an excellent question come in from one of the members of the Maven Inner Circle, and that question has inspired this Maven Mini today. Shoutout to Sarah. So, the question is, any tips, tricks, and tools for someone who is introverted, and gets very nervous when talking to new people?

By the way, if you don’t get nervous going to networking events, then you gotta PM who you are and tell me your secret!

Okay, let’s start. The first tip:

If possible, don’t go to the huge, huge networking events right away. Let’s be clear, you don’t HAVE to do it a certain way. Remember, any opportunity is a networking opportunity. So, if you’re just meeting up with people in a very casual setting, then take the time to network! Dip your toes in the water a little bit on a smaller scale, before you dive head first into those big conferences.

Tip two:

Now, let’s say you have to go to a big networking event. What do you do then? Well, what I do, is break the situation up into small, and manageable, goals. Here’s what I mean by that: I know it can be super overwhelming when you first walk into a big room. You don’t anybody. All you want to do is shrink.

So, to make it less overwhelming, I always go and find the host of the party/conference. Why? Because!!! They know everybody, and will make introductions for you. Let them know you’re new! It’s the host’s job (usually) to make you feel welcomed and comfortable.

Tip three:

Another thing to keep in mind — don’t necessarily make it your goal to speak to everyone. You want to make deep relationships with people, not wide relationship, right? So, if you spend your time super focused on 2 or 3 people throughout the entire conference, good! At the end of the day, you want to build meaningful relationships with others, not superficial ones.

Final tip:

Don’t forget to get their contact information and then follow up with them!! This is huge. The follow up is huge!! Remember to download my freebie, which, as you may already know, is all about the follow up. So, if you’re not sure what are some of the best ways to follow up, what to say, etc., then I help you with this very process in my PDF. You don’t want to miss out!

Thanks for listening/reading, guys! Talk to you next week.