Lisa Carpenter is a second-time guest on the show! I had her on last year and you guys just absolutely loved her and her message, so I knew she had to come back to share more of her wisdom. If you don’t know who she is, she’s an empowerment and nutrition coach. On the show, Lisa admits that entrepreneurs tend to make it harder for themselves, when it doesn’t need to be! She also admits that she had a lot of money shame, and she was too afraid to even say this out loud, to the world, until only recently. Sometimes, you just have to face the uncomfortable and beat it!


Key Insights & Aha Moments:

*Remember, I have a new freebie for you!

*Not enough people talk about the struggles of being an entrepreneur.

*We get so bombarded by the messages around us.

*Why are you making your business so hard?

*Relationship building should not be hard!

*Start journaling your thoughts down. Outside motivators can affect who you are, and not in the good way.

*This week, Lisa took a bunch of apps, including Facebook, off her phone. It was taking too much of her attention.

*How do we know what we need to let go of?

*Track your time!

*So many people skip the financial stuff. Don’t do this!! Lisa admits she had so much shame around money.

*Lisa is very close to paying off her debt, and that’s scary!

*If you’re comfortable, you’re truly not growing.


Maven Moment:

I’m going to get on my soap box a little bit here, so bear with me! When I first started my business online, I spent so much time on one-on-one coaching. However, I wanted to find a way to scale my business at a different price point. So, how did I do this? To be honest. I was pushed, and I created the Maven Inner Circle.


Mentioned in This Episode:

Maven Inner Circle

Let Go of Your Own Personal Flaws | Lisa Carpenter | MTM051

Overcoming Underearning, by Barbara Stanny

Money: A Love Story, by Kate Northrup


Connect with Lisa
