Dr. Deanna Minich is an internationally-recognized teacher, author, scientist, speaker, and artist. She has more than 20 years of diverse, well-rounded experience in the fields of nutrition and functional medicine, including clinical practice, research, product formulation, writing, and education. On today’s show, Deanna shares how she helps her patients change bad health habits into good ones, how medicine and healing are an art, and so much more!


Key Insights & Aha Moments:

*Are you struggling with your online marketing? Struggling to get clients? I have a webinar coming up for you!

*Deanna’s mother was a health nut and Deanna would rebel against that, which ended up causing some emotional eating issues for her while growing up.

*Deanna had to discover herself and through that, she found out what being healthy really meant.

*Shoutout to Dr. Jeffrey Bland for being Deanna’s awesome mentor.

*For health practitioners, how important of a role is science for them?

*There is an art to medicine and there’s an art to healing. It should really be called the healing arts. It’s not a ‘private practice.’ People aren’t ‘practice’!

*It’s important to have a 3-pronged approach. To be centered in the heart, grounded in the gut, and strong in the mind.

*Where are health practitioners weakest in this 3-pronged approach?

*When Deanna thinks of leaky gut, she thinks about leaky boundaries. Everything is connected.

*Whenever we have a personal crisis, we don’t want ourselves to suffer, but we also don’t want anybody else to experience what we’ve gone through, either.

*Why do people make such bad choices when it comes to food? Deanna still doesn’t completely understand why.

*Deanna is helping her clients bridge the gap between what’s the most important thing in their life to their health.

*At the end of the day, we have to meet with people where they’re at. You can’t force them out of their routine overnight.

*Get your clients to focus on one and only one thing at a time. If they try to change too much at once, they’ll lose focus.

*Deanna has a 16-week course on how to align foods with supplements available right now!


Mentioned in This Episode:


Target Your Market Like a Boss



