Dr. Glenn Livingston is a veteran psychologist and was the longtime CEO of a multi-million dollar consulting firm that serviced several Fortune 500 clients in the food industry. Glenn is also the author of Never Binge Again, which has helped thousands of people reprogram themselves on their relationship with food. On the show, Glenn discusses how health practitioners can market themselves authentically and ethically and dives deep into the psychological reasons why we have food addictions.


Key Insights & Aha Moments:

*Glenn is so passionate about his line of work that he self-funded a study with over 40,000 participants and today, he will be sharing his personal journey out of obesity.

*Both Glenn’s parents were psychologists! It really helped him become an introspective thinker and it inspired him to become a Ph.D., himself.

*Glenn has experienced some failures along the way, the worst one was when his business failed, he became $700K in debt and had lost $2 million in the business.

*What do practitioners need to be thinking about from a marketing perspective? 

*You don’t have to lie to your client in order to be effective at marketing. In fact, that’s not even considered ethical marketing. There is a way for you to promote yourself truthfully and authentically.

*If you feel icky about marketing, then take a step back and ask yourself, what you believe about your product. Do you believe people out there are suffering and you have the solution? If yes, then market with pride. Go all out! Embrace it!

*How can local practitioners best market themselves ethically?

*What was Glenn’s journey from having their own practice to marketing consultant to writing the book Never Binge Again?

*Addiction targets the lizard brain, and our lizard brains are not prepared for food addiction.

*Is binge eating common among men?

*Practitioners can get certified in Glenn’s methodology to further help their clients who are struggling with weight and eating issues.

*Never Binge Again isn’t a diet plan, it’s a way to structure your brain so you can regain control and combat impulse!


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