I listened to all my beautiful mavens in the Facebook group, and Amy was wondering how I structure my webinars. Yeah, I know. It's not that sexy, but it's incredibly useful and beneficial to your business. So let's dive right in.


1) What should the first segment of your webinar be? You should spend about 5 minutes at the most on it and talk about why your audience should be there in the first place. It needs to be a quick and punchy introduction and description of what's to follow next. Put a stick strategy in there, like a surprise or freebie, that makes your audience want to stay till the very end.

2) This is more about you and your story. It's a snooze to just list your qualifications. People want to know WHO you are. Spend around 10 minutes or so on sharing a part of your story and let the audience know you really understand their pain points and who they are.

3) This part should be about the teaching. It can be around 30 minutes. I personally don't like to go beyond 40 minutes with this segment. In this section you definitely want people to walk away with actionable information and advise. I think the reason people go wrong here, is that they go too much into the weeds of the info and it ends up being too confusing for the audience.

You want to make it super easy, super simple, and format it in a step-by-step kind of way. Provide them with your best guidance in the shortest amount of time. You can even break this segment up into three parts, with breaks in between, where the audience can ask you questions. Give them some breathers too!

4) You want to move from teaching into selling. This can be a tricky balance. You can let the audience know about what you're currently working on after you've finished with your teaching session. Even at the beginning, you can briefly mention that this is something you'll do towards the end, so that it doesn't come off as a big sleazy sales surprise when you do execute it. After you've shared what you're currently working on or promoting, you can then lead them into the big 'surprise' that you were teasing about at the very beginning.

5) The next segment leads to your pitch. I personally do about 15 minutes of pitching, where I recap my potential customers’ pain points and the solution that I am offering to them. Show them how your product or service will benefit them and make their life easier. Also don't be afraid to show testimonials of your happy customers along with some case studies in this section!

6) I leave the last section for a Q&A. You definitely want to leave some time for your audience to ask questions and further build more trust and momentum. Also, make sure you post a link of your product. I know it sounds simple, but I forgot to do this in some of my earlier webinars. Showing your website link more than once throughout the webinar will never hurt!