Allison Schaaf is a chef, dietitian, and founder of Prep Dish, an online meal prep website that offers gluten-free and paleo meal plans. While she has been running her meal prep business for the last five years, she has been an entrepreneur and chef for a lot longer than that. On this episode, we talk about technical challenges and blunders Allison faced in the beginning of her business, the power of accountability for a solo entrepreneur, and so much more! Allison offers some great advice for those who are just starting out, so be sure not to miss out on this episode.


Key Insights & Aha Moments:

*Mini celebration. Our Facebook community has passed 2,000 members.

*Allison is a personal chef and dietitian.

*There's no need to re-create the wheel. You can find your niche within an already established market.

*Allison's business, Prep Dish, has been around for the last 5 years.

*What kind of challenges has Allison faced? Getting customers.

*Allison shares tips on how you can find new customers in your area or online business.

*If there's an opportunity to meet people in person, then definitely go out of your way to do that.

*Allison tries not to jump into things unless she knows it'll help the customer or add value in some way.

*Find out where your clients are hanging out when they're searching for an answer to the problem they're having. Are they on Facebook, Pinterest? Where are they?

*Allison talks about a major technology fail she had when she was first starting her website.

*Accept that you will make mistakes in the beginning.

*Allison would rather learn her lesson now than to never have gotten started.

*Allison has one 'jack of all trades' freelancer and her husband to help her with her company. 

*Allison really recommends finding a good group or coach that keeps you accountable.

*How does Allison find a good accountability group?

*Hiring a coach right out of the gate really boosts your confidence as an entrepreneur.

*At the end of the day, Allison always focuses on the product to ensure it's a quality product.

*How does Allison get feedback from her current customers? She follows up with them!


Maven Moment:

It's hard to pick the biggest takeaway from this episode because it was just so jammed packed with great info. The way Allison interacts with her customers is a big plus for those who are just starting out and wondering how to keep existing clients and make them happier.

However, I think the most important takeaway Allison mentioned was hiring a coach at the beginning of her business. She said, not only did she learn a lot but it also helped her build confidence in her business ability and her entrepreneurial skills. This is huge. We already know what we have to do for our business most times, but having a coach who is able to push you out of your comfort zone is something that is invaluable. I highly, highly recommend you seek someone now to help you become more accountable and speed up your results.


Mentioned in This Episode:

Maven Inner Circle

Making The Maven on Facebook


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