One of my fabulous listeners asked me a question, “Do you think it’s important to spend time in your office when you don’t have any clients?” I can read it in two ways. Is it important to be physically in your office when you don’t have any clients or is it just important to be making sure you’re working in your business vs. on your business?

So, this is what we’ll be diving into on this week’s Maven Mini. Okay, let’s clear the air. I don’t believe you have to physically be within your office at all times, but I believe it’s extremely important to get your butt out of your seat and work on your business, aka getting more clients in your door!

If you’ve got 20 hours dedicated to seeing clients in your business, but only have 3 active clients *right now*, what does this mean for you? It means you gotta move it! It means you gotta put yourself out there in other ways so that those 20 hours still get used up. How are you going to grow you business by only serving 3 people and not making any efforts to grow bigger? That’s a lot of sitting in your chair doing nothing!

So, what are some of the ways where you can get your butt outta your seat? Get into your local community and network! Look them in the eyes and share more about yourself! Help people get to know, like, and trust you!

The next thing you could do, is follow up with people you’ve already connected with! Further deepen those connections, and get to know those people a bit better. I’m going to throw in a quick promo right now, to remind you that I have a brand new freebie out, to help you do just that! Go check it out!

Another way you can expand, is by building your potential client database, and doing a bit of research on who you want to work with and reach out to. A little bit of market research, if you will, on where your target audience is hanging out! You can reach out to people and write guest blog posts so you can position yourself smack-dab right in front of your people.

There are so many ways you can use that extra time to grow your business, and get people through your door. Don’t miss the opportunity by sitting on your butt doing nothing!