Wow! Episode 3 was a wealth of information. Anyone who has dealt with Achilles tendon related issues or is currently dealing with one will relate to this episode. We highly suggest giving it a listen and hope it can provide you with some insight into the direction you take with your return to training. Adam's take on dealing with this injury has certainly changed and ultimately expanded to include various considerations related to exercise selection in rehab and different training methods prior to as well as during the injury. Unknowingly, this episode turned into many invaluable and actionable pieces of advice around training and Achilles related injuries. Give it a listen and let's make some strides!


1:51 Adam's Injury onset

3:30 Adam's perspective of injury in 2011

6:10 Understanding of Injury after PT/MD visits and treatment

7:00 Fallacies of treatment choice

9:30 What finally helped

10:50 Mistakes in Achilles rehab

13:45 What approach would Adam take today?

17:05 Thoughts on stretching with tendinopathy

18:40 How would Adam change his training with an Achilles issue now?

21:40 Why your glass of water is important

23:50 AJ touches on his experience with Achilles tendinopathy

25:10 Other key considerations


Resources mentioned:

Direct access FAQ from the APTA -

Tendon compression video -

AJ's website at Up and Running Physical Therapy -

AJ's Instagram -

Up and Running PT facebook page -

Adam's website at RunMental -

Adam's Instagram -

RunMental facebook page -

Email us at [email protected]