In this episode of the Making Strides Podcast, AJ and Adam talk to Jenna Moore, RD, CSSD about a number of hot topics in the nutrition/fueling world for endurance athletes. 


6:00 What is fasting?

8:45 Breaking down Jenna’s 30day fast 

12:15 Sugar dependencies and cravings

15:00 Supporting tissue growth with nutrition

18:30 Fats for energy

26:45 Rock climbing nutrition

32:15 Time it takes for nutrient utilization

42:00 Keto talk

46:45 Menstrual cycles in fasting

51:40 Total caloric intake daily vs weekly

55:00 When might you consider fasting

58:00 Approaching fasting methodically through a skilled dietician



"With athletes, what is not considered is how much faster their metabolism is compared to someone who doesn’t exercise…someone who has exercised, has a metabolism running much slower." -Jenna

"More snacks!" -AJ

"With all the athletes I have worked with, maybe 5-10%  are meeting their carbohydrate needs." -Jenna

"Even in ultra endurance athletes who are highly conditioned to tolerate protein as an energy source, you are really only getting 6-12% from calories from protein itself…Where you are getting your energy truly is from carbs and fats."

"You really have to prepare your gut for that much carb [90g/hr]."

"A true clinician is at most an emphasizer of what the client already knows to be true for themselves. When you can remove your biases and say, “This isn’t the way I would do this, but I support you in this.” What you really find is something that is sustaining lifelong for them." -Jenna


Adam's website at RunMental

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RunMental facebook page

AJ's website at Up and Running Physical Therapy 

AJ's Instagram

Up and Running PT facebook page