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Are you in the midst of writing your birth plan or thinking about how you'd like your labour and delivery to play out? If so, this episode is for you! We take a deep dive into hypnobirthing. 

Hypnobirthing was not common or something I had heard of when I was working in Labour & Delivery but it has really picked up interest over the past couple of years. Birth is an unknown event in our lives, we know we will have a baby but we don't know how painful it will be and if we can cope with the pain. 

Pain was my biggest fear 5 years ago when I faced the upcoming birth of my daughter. Jessica walks us through the purpose/goal of hypnobirthing and what expecting parents can expect when they incorporate this practice into their birth. 

I learned a lot from Jessica about hypnobirthing and there are so many practices that will serve you throughout your entire live. If you are looking for an alternative birth, a medication free birth or just some extra tips and tricks to support you throughout the labour and delivery process I recommend you pop in your earphones and join us!

Follow Jessica Hill:
Instagram @activatedmama

Monthly Group Prenatal Classes & Private Prenatal Classes - connect with Sandra at [email protected]