About 6 months ago I started to think about how I can help people make money while also running a business that makes them happy in their daily lives.

Happiness is so underrated amongst business owners with a lot of entrepreneurs chasing money, rather than chasing happiness. 

I’ve built my business around the things that I enjoy doing as I truly believe that’s where the magic happens and I have a new set of workshops running in September to show you how you can also build a successful business that puts your happiness at the heart of it. 

What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

- How creating a business model that works with your personality and passion will amplify your happiness and your income.

- I’ll take you through my own business model and explain why I have created something different to everyone else in the industry.

- Why I’ve made it my personal mission to help my clients build recession-proof businesses that work for them.

- An introduction to a new set of free workshops I am running in September 2022 that will help you discover how you can diversify your business prioritising your happiness. 


- Join The Level Up Workshops

- Download my FREE Launch Strategy Guide

- Visit my website www.lisajohnson.com

- Follow me on Instagram @lisajohnsonstrategist

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- Join the discussion at @thefabulous5percent

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