A lot of clients ask me about being an introvert and running a business as it’s assumed that introverts are less suited to entrepreneurship, but that’s simply not true. 

My guest today is Kate Jordin, a confidence coach who grew up believing that being an introvert was something to overcome, but actually, in building her own business she discovered how powerful and enhancing it can be. 

What You'll Learn In This Episode:

- What makes you an introvert or an extrovert and how understanding the difference can help you build your business in the way that works for you. 

- How Kate overcame her belief that she couldn't be as confident or successful as an extroverted person and the exhaustion she experienced trying to emulate an extrovert. 

- By identifying what gives you energy and what drains your energy you can adapt to be more productive and attract like-minded people. 

- The strategies Kate has implemented to protect her energy and harness her introverted qualities to excel in business. 


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- Find all of Kate’s services at: TheSweetCreative.com