Franchising is a model in business that sometimes gets negative press. Today we tackle some of the misunderstandings around franchising and discuss how this fantastic business model can be used to benefit both the franchisee and the franchisor to accelerate growth and maximise the impact of your business.

Today’s guest is Franchise Strategist Stacey Cann, who started in corporate marketing but took her career in a different direction when she became a franchisee. This was just the start of her work in franchises and now she advises both franchisees and franchisors on how to be more profitable.

What You’ll Learn In This Episode

- What franchising is, some of the main advantages of franchising and how it can help to unlock your confidence and potential in business.

- What you can expect to pay when buying into a franchise and how long it could take to make a return on your investment

- The types of businesses that are suited to franchising and how it can scale your business quickly when done the right way.

- Some of the ways that franchising can evolve into something completely different to how it started out.


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