Today we are talking about taking leaps both in our personal lives, and in our businesses, as well as something which is perhaps unexpected and not talked about enough, and that is female pleasure.

Our guest today is someone who is no stranger to taking these big leaps. Mangala Holland built her business coaching women towards their sensual awakening and unlocking the power of the female orgasm whilst travelling the world. Today she shares her story of personal discovery and business success, including her transition from corporate to entrepreneurial life, as well as her travels across the globe.

What You’ll Learn In This Episode

- How living for the weekend can be a symptom of low self-esteem and dissatisfaction with your current situation in life.

- The ways that nervous system regulation can be foundational in your business success as well as when it comes to experiencing pleasure.

- What sexual pleasure and success in the boardroom have in common, and how you can improve both by using some of the practices that Mangala teaches.


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