Joining me today is Mariella Franker, an expert in helping introverts thrive in business allowing them to be themselves and teaching them how to best direct their energy. 

The western world is very much held to extroverted standards and it can be hard as an introverted person to show up online to promote yourself and your work, but we know that having an online presence is so key to a successful business. 

This is something I often see clients struggle with so in this episode, we explore how you can thrive in business as an introvert. 

What You'll Learn In This Episode:

- How to uncover the ways you work best and how to set boundaries that allow you to protect your energy. 

- Social media can be exhausting for introverts, so we share some tools to manage your energy online, and how I changed my approach to social media in 2022 so that it wasn’t draining me. 

- Some of the common misconceptions about being an introvert and the challenges it can bring in business.

- Why I’m a better leader for having space and time to recharge and why it’s so important to me to show others that you can be successful and take time away from work. 


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- Connect with Mariella