Teaching mathematics in school is complex and often misunderstood.

This paper titled Why Are Learning And Teaching Mathematics So Difficult by Alan H. Schoenfeld does a great job shedding some light on why this is the case.

He argues that teaching and learning math is complex because of these three (3) big ideas:

Thinking Mathematically – What does it mean to do mathematics?The Learning Environment – Structuring classroom experiences to allow students to think mathematically.Cultural Surround – How surroundings help or deter students from experiencing mathematical thinking.

In this episode we’ll help shed some light here on the first of those three (3) big ideas: Thinking Mathematically. 

elements connected to Schonfeld’s first big idea - thinking mathematically - and how you can successfully integrate them into your program without adding more stress and time to your already jam-packed work load. 

You’ll Learn: 

Why teaching and learning math is difficult; Techniques you can implement to make the teaching of math less difficult for you and your students;What you should focus on most in the classroom with students; and,How to strike a balance between the specific content standards you have to teach and ensuring your students are thinking mathematically.


Take the Make Math Moments Math Program Assessment Tool [Classroom Teacher & Leader Versions]

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District Leader Resources:

Take the Make Math Moments Math Program Assessment Tool 

The Make Math Moments District Planning Workbook [First 3 pages] 

Learn About Our District Improvement Program

Are you a district mathematics leader interested in crafting a mathematics professional learning plan that will transform your district mathematics program forever? Book a time to chat with us!

Other Useful Resources and Supports: 

Make Math Moments Framework [Blog Article]

Make Math Moments Problem-Based Lessons & Units

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