Welcome to Making It! This weekly show explores the lives and stories of entrepreneurs as they share their unique perspectives on their success and the path to making it.  

    Debbie Allen has been a professional speaker and business mentor for 25 years, despite the fact that she barely passed high school and skipped college altogether. That didn’t deter her, though.

    In this episode of “Making It”, Debbie talks about her fierce independence and refusal to walk a traditional path. Passion creates momentum, and that momentum leads right to success. When you have a passion or a gift to teach and share, you just have to do whatever it takes to get it out there, and make a difference. 

“You're supposed to pay attention to what your gifts are, and make sure that you're using those gifts to the best of your ability, because you're put on this planet to make a difference.”

“It doesn't matter your age, where you live, and it doesn't matter, the economy; it matters what you think about yourself, and how much you want it.”

– Debbie Allen

Debbie Allen is referred to as The Expert of Experts. She is an internationally recognized business growth and market positioning expert. She  has been a professional speaker and business mentor for 25  years and presented before thousands of people in 28 countries. 

     Debbie is a bestselling author of 9 books, including The Highly Paid Expert and hosts the “Access to Experts Podcast”. She is also a VIP Contributor for Entrepreneur Magazine and an  award-winning entrepreneur who has built and sold numerous million-dollar companies in diverse industries. 

Resources or websites mentioned in this episode:


Debbie’s website

Debbie’s LinkedIn


Guest – Debbie Allen

Associate producer – Danny Bermant

Producer – Cynthia Lamb

Executive producer – Danny Iny

Assembled by – Geoff Govertsen

Audio Post Supervisor: Evan Miles, Christopher Martin

Audio Post Production by Post Office Sound

Music soundscape: Chad Michael Snavely

Music and SFX credits: 

• Track Title: The Sunniest Kids

Artist Name(s): Rhythm Scott

Writer Name: Scott Roush


• Track Title: Sweet Loving Waltz

Artist Name(s): Sounds Like Sander

Writer Name: S.L.J. Kalmeijer


• Track Title: Spring Embrace

Artist Name(s): Cody Martin

Writer Name: Cody Kurtz Martin


Episode transcript: Whatever It Takes (Debbie Allen) Coming soon.
