HUMAN Marketing = The perfect topic for Episode 17 - our final episode of Season 1! Join host Megan Powers and co-hosts Jen Cole and Elizabeth Glau on this illuminative episode.

We don’t do business with businesses. We do business with people. Always keeping the HUMAN element in everything we do is crucial to success, and these two have made a living of helping brands, agencies, entrepreneurs, and more, leverage the human element.

Our stellar guests on this episode... 
Bryan and Courtney Kramer 

Bryan Kramer
Co-Founder, President/CEO - PureMatter
Bryan is a Social Business Strategist, author, speaker and President/CEO of PureMatter in Silicon Valley. His first book, “There is no B2B or B2C: It’s Human to Human #H2H” reached the Top 1% of business books its first week on Amazon. In ‘16 he released his second title “Shareology: Understanding Sharing to Power Human Business”.
Check out his books.

Courtney Kramer
Co-Founder, Executive Creative Director, Author & Consultant - PureMatter
Courtney Smith Kramer is a Marketing Consultant, Executive Creative Director, Strategist, Designer, and author of “21 Reasons Creativity is Like Sex: Why Everyone Can Do It, Have a Sense of Humor About It, and Use It To Make the World a Better Place” (only 9 left in stock on Amazon!), which launched in November 2016 at the #1 spot in Business Humor books on Amazon. Courtney was recently named a “Top 200 Global Influencer in Content Marketing”, earning the #17 Top spot in Agency Strategy by UK-based Onalytica.

Every person within an organization now has an opportunity to be “the voice” of their brand because of social media. So now we aren’t just being “human,” but the emergence of social over the last ten years has changed how we communicate. We now live in an environment where SHARING is powering the human economy, which is something we also dive into with Bryan and Courtney.

Honestly, these are now two of the smartest people we know, and this is a must-listen no matter what your role is in your organization.


We are “Making a Marketer”... in all ways. Check Ep.17 out -- and if you’re so inclined, we would love for you to subscribe, rate, & review us on iTunes -- Get each ep. when it drops! 

::: Show sponsor: Powers of Marketing -- your communication should be strategic and POWERful! :::

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