Hello Beautiful Souls,

Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode that is very near and dear to my heart.

TRIGGER WARNING: We do go over the topics of Near Death Experiences ( NDE), Heart Attacks, and Fires.

Today we get to share the incredible story of a near death experience and what was seen when Troy Bonifas' heart stopped for 6 minutes.

This episode is for those who might not be conscious of how hard the day to day work has an effect on their body.

In Part 1 we are going to put you in Troy's shoes of this experience and allow you to get a glimpse of what his experience was like on the other side.


Near death experience (NDE)
God / Universe / Source
Heart Attack
ADD Machine
Working with live stock

To thank Troy and Melissa for sharing their story you can connect with them on Facebook via the links down below:


Please reach out to us on Instagram:


to share your experience listening to todays episode.

For FREE resources learning how to reprogram your subconscious beliefs about money you can find the resource here:
